Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019

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Lewis AS400s

  1. Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019 Release
  2. Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019 Schedule

Cadet Johnathon Bradley
My name is Johnathan Bradley, and I am originally from Taylor Ridge, Illinois which is right outside of the Quad Cities. I am currently enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program at Lewis University while pursuing my major in Aviation administration and management. While in ROTC I have been involved in Arnold Air Society doing service events for our community and been apart of Lewis Universities joint color guard for sporting events and graduation ceremonies.

So I am currently going into my AS200 year and am striving to try and get a pilot slot. I know that the Air Force looks at rated slots as a whole person concept and currently at the top of my class. Gpa is at a 2.2 but I'll get that up. I got a 98 on my last PT Test. Also I'm studying for my AFOQT right now as well. Det 860 Air Force Leadership Lab, pilot results for 2009. Cadet Josephson and Cadet Bishop put in for pilot slots and this is when they found out the results.

Cadet Alexander Horvat
My name is Alexander L. Horvat, I am from Arlington Heights, Illinois. I am an Air Traffic Control Management Major and will also graduate with a minor in Aircraft Dispatch. I am in the Air Force ROTC program at Lewis and have earned a Pilot slot to fly for the Air Force. Inside of AFROTC I am apart of Arnold Air Society which is a professional service organization devoted to helping our local communities and country. I am also a part of the Cadet Honor guard which has been featured presenting the colors at the Chicago Cubs game, and the Detachment basketball team which travels to Notre Dame for The Flying Irish ROTC Basketball Tournament. Outside of AFROTC I work as an Intramural official and at The Container Store.

Afrotc pilot slot 2019 schedule

After I graduate I hope to be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force and attend pilot training to become an Air Force pilot. After the Air Force, I hope to become a commercial pilot for Fedex or UPS.

Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019

Cadet Joshua O'Donnell
My name is Josh O'Donnell. I am a native of Tinley Park, IL and I am a Sociology major here at Lewis. I recently finished my minor in Spanish Language and Culture and I am beginning to learn Russian now. I've worked a few different summer jobs during my tenure at Lewis including anything from life guarding to landscaping.


I am heavily involved in both ROTC and at Lewis. In ROTC I am the Honor Guard Commander and have even had the chance to present the Colors at a Cubs Game! I also play in the annual basketball tournament at Notre Dame. At Lewis, I have played Club Lacrosse and Rugby. I play almost every intramural sport that is offered here as well! In Spring of 2018 I was also the Director of the Koinonia retreat.

Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019 Release

Prepare for the TBAS


The Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS) is a computerized psychomotor test battery. It is used as a tool for the selection of United States Air Force pilot candidates. TBAS scores are combined with the candidate’s Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT), and flying hours to produce a Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM) score. The PCSM score measures a candidate’s aptitude for pilot training – that means a predictive measure of whether or not a person will do well during Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT). The TBAS score is just one facet out of many that make up the “whole-person” concept that is used to determine the PCSM score. In AFROTC, the Detachment Commander factors in a slew of scores to rank pilot candidates who eventually compete nationwide for AFROTC pilot slots.


There are some “urban legends” out there that say playing certain video games will help you prepare for the TBAS. The most sound advice is: get a good night’s sleep the night prior and eat breakfast before taking the test. Clear your mind and be ready to concentrate on the tasks at hand. No game is going to prepare you for the TBAS. Here is a link to online TBAS Preparation Flash Cards. Join our online discussion forums to find out what others think of the TBAS.


You must complete the TBAS Candidate Worksheet, and bring it with you on the day of the test. You should also bring a valid form of ID, your Social Security card, your current college transcript, and your logbook if you have any flying experience. The TBAS test will test your concentration and ability to multitask. If you experience some condition that is genuinely stressful, or if you are too ill/tired to take the TBAS, you will need to reschedule for another time. There is no penalty for rescheduling.

When you are ready to begin the test you will be seated at the TBAS station and asked to enter the data from your completed < a href='' target='_blank'>Candidate Worksheet into the TBAS for use in processing and tracking your test scores. The test administrator will then read a standard instruction briefing to you. Detailed instructions for each of the nine subtests will appear on the computer screen. Take all the time you need to make sure you understand these instructions. You will not be penalized for time spent on instructions.

Much like its predecessor, the BAT Test, the TBAS consists of ten subtests that measure psychomotor skills and cognitive aptitude. The test takes approximately 1 hour (most candidates finish the test in about 30 minutes). After you have completed the test, the test administrator will send the raw data to a central scoring facility. Provided you have already taken the AFOQT, you should be able to check your PCSM score via the AETC website within 1-2 days after we receive your TBAS test. Please check with your Test Control Officer (TCO) as to when they will send the TBAS test.

It is very important that you do not discuss the contents of the test with anyone other than the test administrator. If you do discuss the test with anyone else you will be held responsible for violating a legal regulation, Air Force Instruction 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System. You will also be disqualified from consideration for Air Force pilot training.

Advice from Recent Test Takers

  • “Well, I got my TBAS score back last week and was hoping I would do well enough to submit my package for the upcoming UFT active duty board, but am pretty bummed that my PCSM is only a 52 with a 98 Pilot. Am planning to retake it as soon as the 180-day point rolls around. Any of you guys have any words of advice, aside from logging more flying hours and playing FPS with an inverted view? I had trouble with MULTI-TASKING! I just could not track the moving target with the joystick while also trying to work the rudders. Maybe my hand-eye coordination is just atrocious. I know all TBAS testing locations use the same joystick but dang, the one I used was not very sensitive.”
  • “I focused between the two parts you have to track. Keep “ball” you have to track with the rudder in your peripheral, and let your hands and brain do the rest. I started trying to anticipate its direction change, but quickly realized that didn’t work. It probably measures reaction time more than if you can keep it in the container. Good luck next time! “
  • “How exactly do you study for the spacial orientation ? Are there any good resources online or anything?”

    “Flash cards.

    Take one set, and draw up and airplane flying over the four squares at headings of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, and 315.

    Take another sheet, draw about 12 sets of four squares with a N, S, E or W next to them. This is your answer sheet. Mix up the first set of cards and flip through them, marking the North, East, South or West squares as indicated by the N/S/E/W on your answer sheet. Repeat. You’ll notice a pattern.”

  • “Take your time and carefully read and reread all instructions before beginning a section. There is no time limit here and, if I remember correctly, you get a little sample before you take the actual test. Study this, imagine what you are going to do, imagine possible variations (particularly for the Directional Orientation Test) and what your response will be, and mock test yourself (touch but don’t push buttons… particularly for the Emergency Scenario Test)….”
  • “The control inputs during the actual TBAS Test are the HOTAS Cougar (~300$) and CH-Rudder Pro USB (120$).

    Cougar is a metal joystick and throttles combo and CH Rudder Pro is a plastic rudder pedals with a weird feel to them due to pedals being too close to each other and not enough feedback. Both are sufficient to test reflexes.”

Test Descriptions

Directional Orientation Test
Measures spatial orientation abilities: The participant must determine a UAV’s position relative to a target. The test simultaneously presents a “tracker map” which shows the location and heading of the UAV; and a forward field of view, as seen through a fixed, forward pointing camera of a UAV, which shows a single building surrounded by four parking lots. The task is to click on the parking lot that a computer generated voice instructs. There are 48 questions.

3-Digit and 5-Digit Listening Test
Participants are presented with auditory letters and numbers. They must squeeze the trigger when they hear any of the three or five specified numbers. The test lasts approximately three minutes.

Horizontal Tracking Test
Participants use rudder pedals to keep a box over an airplane as it moves horizontally along the bottom of the screen. The airplane moves at a constant speed and changes direction when it “hits” the side of the screen or if a participant successfully targets it for multiple seconds. The task lasts three minutes and the level of difficulty (speed of the airplane) increases as the task progresses.
Airplane Tracking Test
Participants use the joystick to keep the gun sight on the airplane as it moves at a constant rate. The airplane randomly changes direction when it hits the side of the screen or if a participant successfully targets it for multiple seconds.
Airplane and Horizontal Tracking Test
This test requires you to perform two previously tested tasks simultaneously. First, you track an airplane moving along a horizontal axis as you did in the Horizontal Tracking Test. Second, you track an airplane moving in two dimensions as you did in the Airplane Tracking Test.
Airplane Tracking, Horizontal Tracking, and 3 Digit and 5-Digit Listening Test
This test requires you to perform three previously tested tasks simultaneously. First, you will track an airplane moving along a horizontal axis as you did in the Horizontal Tracking Test. Second, you will track an airplane moving in two dimensions as you did in the Airplane Tracking Test. Third, you will respond when you hear any of the three or five specified target numbers.
Emergency Scenario Test
Participants simultaneously perform the horizontal tracking task and the airplane tracking task, they are presented with three emergency scenarios (one at a time) which they must cancel out by typing a code with the keyboard.

AFOQT Test Advice

“I would highly recommend the ARCO book. There is one called Officer Candidate Tests and another called Military Flight Aptitude Tests I studied for about four weeks and did a few full strictly timed practice tests and ended up making a 98 on Pilot and 95 on Nav when I took the real one last July. I found that many of the practice problems were more difficult than those on the test. The book was a great asset to my scores. Good luck!”

“Study advice: The Military Flight Aptitude exam book is good for mazes, mechanical comp, word knowledge etc. However study the Officer Candidate Tests book, it is much better and more challenging in the math and arithmetic knowledge sections (spelling is obviously not my strength). Study to realistic times ONCE YOU HAVE mastered the problems.”

Afrotc Pilot Slot 2019 Schedule

Air Force Pilot Training Topics