Million Dollar Elm Casino Hominy Ok
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In the spring of 2003, the Osage nation opened a “Million Dollar Elm” casino a few miles from its council house at Pawhuska, Oklahoma. The name came straight from Osage reservation petroleum history. Multimillion dollar lease auctions once took place in the shade of a giant elm next to the council house.

3 1/2 MILES N. on SH-99
HOMINY, OK 74035
3 1/2 MILES N. on SH-99
HOMINY, OK 74035
Osage Casino - Hominy Review. Osage Casino Hominy is one of the smaller casinos owned and operated by the Osage Nation of Oklahoma.Their Hominy casino is located in the Industrial Park at 39 Deer Avenue and offers just under 7,000 square feet of gaming space. Million Dollar Elm Casino. 39 Deer Ave Hominy, OK 74035.
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