Texas Holdem Flop Statistics

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Legalizing Texas holdem and other forms of poker in many places, including online. The answer to this question boils down to the mathematics behind the game. If the math shows one player can win more often than another based on the mathematical and statistical truths about Texas holdem then the game is one of skill. Likewise, pairs only make a set on the flop 12% of the time, which is why small pairs are not always profitable. We have created a poker math and probability PDF chart (link opens in a new window) which lists a variety of probabilities and odds for many of the common events in Texas hold ‘em. This chart includes the two tables. Learning how to assess the preflop hand strength is crucial to hand ranking in Texas Hold'em. Find out the best hands to play from every table position.

When the flop is dealt on the board, the question arises: how does one evaluate it in relation to one’s own pocket cards? How does it help one evaluate the pocket cards, or assign a range of possibilities of pocket cards, to other players at the table? In this post, I will be referring to the groups in Hand Rankings and Strengths.

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics Cheat

Dry and Wet boards

Texas holdem flop statistics rules

One analysis is to divide flops into either dry boards or wet boards. A dry board is one where there is a high – possibly a face – card, and two low cards, or three low cards, where there is little or no possibility of a flush draw or straight draw. Examples of dry boards are:


Either of these flops is fairly poor. Neither of them is a flush draw or straight draw. The best pocket cards might be AQ♢ for the first flop because it’s a pair with an ace kicker. We would bet these pocket cards pre-flop because they are Group 3. For the second flop, if we were dealt 77♠, we might bet these cards pre-flop from late position, or more imprudently from early position, and see the flop because they are Group 5, and we would have a set.

Texas holdem flop statistics rules

As always, it is important to consider the other players’ pre-flop betting or calling activity in the light of a dry flop. Anyone who called or raised pre-flop and was presented with the second flop, would be unlikely to have a winning hand, and a Group 5 pocket pair like 77♠, or even an unwise K7♣ might be a winner.

Wet boards are the opposite of dry boards. They are replete with possibilities, namely straight draws or flush draws, and go well with Group 1 to Group 3 pocket pairs. Examples of wet boards are:

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics 2019


A player with AK♡, which is a Group 2 pocket pair needs only a ten of any suit in the first flop on either the turn or the river to make a straight, and is probably worth betting on that basis. A J9♡ pocket pair in Group 4 on the second flop would be an immediate straight. Any other heart suited pair would need only another heart on the turn or the river to make a flush, which again, depending on how the other players bet, call or raise, might be worthwhile to continue to play.

Again, it is important to stress keeping to the discipline of playing only Group 1 to Group 3 pocket pairs in early position, and possibly Group 4 and Group 5 in late position, depending on the betting activity of players before one’s position. Reading the texture of the flop is an aid to determining if one should bet on either the turn or the river, and we must also take account of the principle that the flop should contribute to or complement one’s pocket cards, and fold on the flop if that is not the case.

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics 2020

Real Money Poker Games » Texas Holdem Poker » Pre-Flop Odds for Pairs and High Cards


Texas Holdem Flop Statistics Rules

It's always nice to start with a pair in the hole (especially the high kind) because they can often win without any improvement whatsoever. By the same token, an opponent's hidden pair can also often sneak up and beat you.

Here's some odds charts that can give you a way to not only estimate your chances of catching pairs, but to also get a feel for the likelihood of pairs in your opponent's hands.

Hey mobile users or anyone that would like to download, print or view the charts in more detail. Check out the Holdem pair pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.

High Card Hands (Unpaired)

Whoever said that Holdem is a high card game was right. Much of the overall Holdem action involves two unpaired high cards like the typical hands illustrated above. These probability charts will give you some idea of what to expect to be dealt, and how many high card hands are likely to be out there against you.

To download, print or view the above chart in more detail, check out the Holdem high card pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.